Collecting new and used Crocs for 200 orphans in the Congo, Africa.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Unrest in the Congo.

My Dad was planning to head back over to the Congo in late January or early February but unrest has become too severe. The orphan village is safe thus far as it is located on an island far enough away from Goma. The main problem is that my Father would have to travel through Goma to get there, and that is not safe. According to the Director of the program (Desire Murhima) who lives in Goma, all businesses and schools have shut down in Goma. He has said that his wife and children are out on the island for safety reasons and that he is only in Goma to wrap up loose ends. He has been in contact with my Dad and has said the fighting is heavy and that there is no more vehicle traffic in the city due to the unrest. I found a news article about the issues facing Goma. My father is planning to go back over as soon as some stability has been regained over there. In the meantime Crocs collection continues. It is only a matter of time before my Dad can make it back over there. These kids need all the Crocs we can collect. They have nothing and are so excited for anything that they receive.

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