Collecting new and used Crocs for 200 orphans in the Congo, Africa.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crocs for Orphan Tots Charity Event Birthday!

I received a message on facebook from a Mary Jo and here is what it said:

"Just wanted to touch base with you and thank you for your efforts to bring crocs to orphan tots.

My daughter and her friend, 13 and 14 years old, are having a combined birthday party this Friday evening and have selected Crocs for Orphan Tots as their charity recipient.

We are having 24 girls who are bringing crocs instead of presents. I hope we get a good supply for your group."

I thought it was such a unique idea and such great a way to allow these children attending the party to get involved in projects that make them connect to our global community in a very personal way.

I have since gotten an update:

"The girls had their party Friday night. It was quite fun, and they all brought crocs -- we have 55 pairs to donate! We have new, gently used, large, small, a little bit of everything."

I would love to share more Croc collection stories. So if you don't mind sharing yours, please contact me. I would love to share it with others that are helping out.